October 14, 2013


Dear readers,

Thanks to a few vocal folks who can't stand the sight of skin, or something, almost all of our ebook retailers are attempting to purge erotica from their sales sites. As a result, some of our links may not work for a while. 

At the moment, it looks like Kobo is taking down all self-published books, erotica or not. Amazon has purged forty seven "Daddy" and "Brother" titles. We are working to revise them and get these books back into your hands, but it may take a little while, so please be patient.

The rest of our catalog should be fine on Amazon, and anything you want may be found at Barnes and Noble US. You can download their app for most devices. 

Again, we are working to comply with new guidelines (Amazon) or attempting to contact the company we are supposed to be in partnership with (Kobo). 

Again, thanks for your patience!

Apps for B&N: