May 23, 2014

Playing Games - BDSM Erotica

Annabelle needs something new. The summer is stretching out before her, and she has an itch that she just can’t seem to scratch. It’s bad. 

On top of that, she’s dying for a taste of her next door neighbor. Alex is hot, and he has this habit of looking at her like he could eat her up. On top of that, he’s an older man – she’s never experienced that before. The possibilities are endless. 

The thing is, she’s biting off more than she can chew, and she doesn’t even know it yet. 

This 15,000-word novella is one woman’s first taste of BDSM with an older man who knows exactly what she needs. It was originally published under the title “Daddy’s Game”. It has been edited and expanded. 

Available now: